"DREAM," a transformative service program, dedicates to bringing hope and opportunity to children in Honduras. At DREAM, our mission is to address the urgent needs of vulnerable children by providing vital food assistance and financial support. 

In the heart of Honduras, many children face significant challenges, from food shortage to limited access to essential resources (e.g., clothing). Your $30 monthly sponsorship can even make a child to have one meal a day for a month ($1 a meal per child). Through DREAM, we aim to bridge these gaps, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to thrive. Our program aims to deliver both meals and financial support to families, empowering them to create a more stable and promising future for their children.


Join us in our commitment to making a difference. Together, we can turn "DREAM" into reality and foster a brighter future for the children of Honduras. Your support and involvement are crucial in helping us achieve this vision. Welcome to DREAM—where hope begins and futures are shaped.

Honour Roll


Sep 25, 2024
Maryland, US

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1 donor

Fundraiser created by
Yexi (Eric) Huang
Maryland, United States


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